This is another topic
under the series, “understanding the new birth”, which I started two weeks ago.
If you missed the two topics already discussed which looked into the possibility
of the saved inheriting a curse or plague from biological parents, do go back
to read on the home page.
The purpose of this series
is to produce a healthy Christian. You can never live a healthy Christian life
with wrong beliefs. The devil feeds on wrong beliefs to torment believers and
makes the peace which God has written of in the scripture become only a head
knowledge; the only solution to this is living on God’s word.
The topic I am
considering this week is if a Christian can be possessed by demons. This directly
seeks to know if demons can take abode in the body of a genuine believer who
has experienced the new birth. I have heard people talk about this and make
recommendations for “genuine Christians” to go for deliverance from some evil
spirit dwelling inside of them which needs to be cast out, perhaps, because
such a believer is going through some dark moments.
Demons have been
described by different expositor as fellow falling angels alongside the devil
and whichever way, we know very well from the scriptures that they are spirits
that do not represent the person of Jesus for He constantly cast them out of
people they possessed (Matt 8:31). They are known to be spirits that look for
human bodies to take dominion in order to have expression; this was the case of
the man from Gadara who had legions of the spirits at work in him (Luke 8:26). So,
what the demons look for is a container.
Obviously, at the
moment you gave your life to Christ, you publicly declared Jesus as the Lord
over your life. The Holy Spirit is then made available to you. The work of the
Holy Spirit inside of you is to tutor you into your inheritance in Christ: those
things which your soul would have loved to do, the Spirit makes the mind of God
open to your soul and your body carries it out. The implication of this is that
the Spirit of God now dwells in your body; you become God’s temple. And, you
become God’s temple because you accepted the gift of salvation offered by
Christ, it is only at renouncing this gift of salvation you may seize to be His
This is quite very
simple to understand from the scriptures.
you learned that your body is the home of the Holy Spirit God gave you, and
that he lives within you? 1 Cor 6:19
As I have explained earlier,
demons are looking for bodies to occupy, would it then be possible for demons
to have a room in a house where the Spirit of God dwells?
The scriptures made us
to understand that Jesus was angry at the way some men handled His temple. They
were trading in the temple, turning it into a business centre, so much so that
there was no difference between a market place and the “house of God”. The
house became possessed by strangers. Jesus became furious at seeing this. Without
any reserve, He whipped everyone out and declared that His temple was meant to
be a house of prayer. Jesus was radical about a temple made with human hands as
a signal to showing how much more He will care for the temple He is
establishing by His blood which is you. Do you remember Jesus prophesied how a
physical place of worship would no longer be the deal but those who worship Him
in Spirit? (John 4:21) This is Jesus talking about the institution of
individual life as His own house.
That radical move of
Jesus made us know that since the place was regarded as God’s temple, it was
His responsibility. So also, since you became His temple (saved), you are His
responsibility. Now, what demon is strong enough to take guard from Him?
It is a clear
misunderstanding to subject yourself to the belief that a spirit has possessed
you after you have genuinely experienced Christ. It only suggest that Christ’s
sacrifice is not sufficient. If you have been a “church fan” and have gone for
deliverance for quite a number of time or you know someone in this situation,
what is needed is to preach the gospel to such(accepting what Christ has done
on the cross and believing in this victory), which is the height of deliverance
a man needs to be free.
“And what union can there be between God’s
temple and idols? For you are God’s temple, the home of the living God, and God
has said of you “I will live in them and walk among them, and I will be their
God and they shall be my people” 2Cor 6:16
Immediately you came to
the place of believing in Jesus, you have authority to cast out demons from
unbelievers with the sole aim of ministering the gospel to them. If you need
demons cast out of you, you have not come to be in Jesus. A person possessed by
demons cannot cast out demons from another.
“And those who BELIEVE shall
use my authority to cast out demons, and they shall speak new language”
Mark 16:17
Isn’t that clear
Has someone told you
there are demons possessing you? Just make this confession believing:
am the temple of God, I carry His Spirit, and I am the expression of His grace
and love. The devil and his cohorts tremble at this mystery. How much of His
presence I have and fullness of His glory! In Him I live and dwell. I have
power and authority. Am too filled with Him to be possessed by demons”
Friend, if demons can
still possess the SAVED, then, Christ
is not yet above principalities and powers.
your week.
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