Monday, August 13, 2018

Before you declare God missing!

Some weeks back, I was in a deep thought about how sometimes we could feel all so lively and at another moment we feel down. In same vein, the things of the spirit may sometimes excite us and at some other point we struggle to feel in the spirit. At such a time as this, bible study becomes a little uninviting, prayers becomes so much a tough task and it’s like that feeling of connection is no longer there. So, at this point, we run into the thoughts of if God is no longer there. Some people quickly embark on a forgiveness of sins prayers.

This could really bring one to a state of doubt about the person of God and engaging in such prayers as requesting God comes back to one’s life. This makes it look more like God would actually be off and on in the life of a believer. Before you declare God missing in your life, let’s see what to do.

After man fell in the garden of Eden, that was when man transformed from the original design of seeing themselves exactly as God sees them to what they now see from their corrupted mind. Everything that God created, including man was by the Word. So, the place of the Word is essential in the existence of man. There was a Word that guarded the existence of the first Adam which was not to eat of the fruit in the Centre of the Garden, in Eden. Man believed God and was living exactly as God wanted. He had no reason to feel anything was wrong with him and God. 

But as soon as the distortion came in, the feelings of man became activated and one of the first things he became conscious of was the feel of shame for who he is. Man was created in the image of God and saw himself just that way until his sight of what God called him was cut off. His feelings became living; he then also became afraid of God. The devil succeeded in making man see himself the way God never wanted.

So, at that moment they ate the fruit, believing what the serpent told them, they were now seeing exactly from another perspective. They could no longer see God’s word said to them. This became the problem with the generation of men in the world.

Have you ever asked yourself how a group of people who saw God part the red sea into two, drowning Pharaoh who was just behind them with his men still going ahead to make a golden calf saying the idol was what brought them out of Egypt? Something very crucial was missing. That was what the devil targeted and he got it. They could not just see God to trusting His word. They could only walk by their feelings, senses. The heart of man could no longer believe God for who He is. How they felt determined how they saw God.

The success of the enemy of your soul is predicated on how much he can make you not to believe the Word.

This was what Jesus came to restore in man. He came to deal with sin so as to bring man back to that place of no longer walking by what the senses says, it is now a product of what God says. The ability to trust God’s word is now available. The whole transaction Jesus did on man’s behalf is to put a final seal to being at peace with God. And when Jesus was about leaving the earth, He said the comforter would be sent and he will never leave us. Now, this is another word for you and me. This does not have any condition of how you feel, whether you are up or down; the Holy Spirit will always be there.

“If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another comforter, and he will NEVER LEAVE YOU. He is the HOLY SPIRIT, the Spirit who leads into all truth…”

Your knowledge of God must never be by what you feel, season or experiences you go through; it must be predicated on the Word. What has the word said about you? This was exactly where the first Adam missed it, trying to become like God who they already were because they could not believe God’s word for it.

Therefore, at those moments the devil brings the thought to your heart that God is no longer with you, just thank God because His word says He will never leave you nor forsake you. Jesus has given you the victory to rest on God’s word. You are no longer in a realm where how you feel is how you know God; what He says is what shows His real person to you. Shout it loud “I may not feel He is with me, but He is not a man who lies; He said the Holy Spirit will never leave me and Him, the Son and the Spirit are one.”

So, before you declare God missing, consider His word.

He resides in you, always.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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