Sunday, August 19, 2018


I was taking a sunday school class in church yesterday and our topic was the new life we have in Christ. It centres on all that this new life means for everyone who comes into the reality of the life. Then, our discussion progressed into the power of using the Word as a tool for victory in the face of temptation and in our earthly journey. We got to the scriptural verse where Paul told the Philippians how God will supply all of their needs according to His riches in glory to stand in the face of temptation to take what does not belong to a man. This scripture which has always been a common knowledge became so important at that particular time that we dwelt on it till the class ended.

On looking closely at this scripture I began to see how rich it is to our daily living in a world where pressures is becoming a normal part of our existence. There is always a pressure to achieving a thing or the other which if not happening at the popularly perceived approved time, we come into a state of depression and this has a way of affecting our fellowship with God. If you are not married, working, having children after marriage and many more of this kind at a particular time, peace becomes an illusion.

In that popularly recited scripture which I have always heard in the place of making request to God, I saw something much deeper than just making a request to receiving earthly blessings; Paul was actually teaching about contentment, it wasn’t primarily a scripture to receiving from God. The central theme of the book of Philippians was rejoicing, which was not said out of fanfare of receiving some exciting news in the natural realm. Paul repeated the word over and over to pass a message to the people on the need to guard their heart so as to ensure pressures from the outside don’t take away the peace of God. (3vs1).

Now, Apostle Paul began to praise the Philippians for good works: They were outstanding in being of material help to the ministry of Paul and this time it was the period he was in prison. They sent aid to Paul but the apostle said he was never in need though. Let’s look at that closely. Before declaring that he was not in need, he had talked about what it meant to live a life without worry (4:6). In essence, it is not as though in the real sense Apostle Paul had nothing he wanted at that time but he didn’t see them as a need as long as they were not coming.

He then made the not being in need clearer when he made a powerful statement in verse 12:

“I have learned the secret of contentment in every situation, whether it be a full stomach or hunger, plenty or want; for I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power” Phil 4:12

This means even at those times he was hungry or in want, he had no need because it is God who had the power to supply all needed. Hence, if the thing desired wasn’t coming forth, it was not a need. He trusted God so much to that extent. It would only mean where he finds himself is the exact state he should be, empowered by God, if what he desires isn’t coming forth.

So, Paul saw need as a matter of what God sees as necessary for him per-time and not about what he feels to have. This was what then guided his prayer for them, having spoken about trusting God (4vs6): that God will supply all their needs. However, these needs are according to God’s riches in Glory. God’s riches in glory speak about God being the one who determines the needs in agreement with His will for their lives. God only provides strength for what He enables.

Friend, you may be at the point of frustration as it concerns all that you think you should have or be by now and it has become so overwhelming that it is now the centre point of what your thought hover around. As much as the Lord hears your desires, all He will provide are your needs, not your wants. Your needs supersedes all that you thought you ever wanted. In the end, the needs will satisfy your wants.

The entry point to peace is having confidence in the power of God to provide. As Apostle Paul said in that scripture so I say to you:

“And now, brothers, as I close this letter let me say this one more thing: Fix your thoughts on what is true and good ad right. Think about the things that are pure and lovely, and dwell on fine, good things in others. Think about all you CAN PRAISE GOD FOR AND BE GLAD ABOUT”.

If you desire it and not having it yet, it is not yet a need, for He will supply ALL of your needs. Can you say this to yourself: “I choose to trust God entirely. If I am not having it yet, I don’t need it at the time; He is faithful to deliver to me when He sees the need for it for He supplies ALL needs.” 

Have a peaceful week.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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