Sunday, November 12, 2023


I realized many of us have not been taught about the different dimensions of miracles that the Lord works in our lives. Our teachings have gleaned more towards escape and deliverance as the model of God’s miracle in our lives. 

So, I need a job and the only miracle that I’d testify about is that God finally came through for me and I secured a job in a desired company. I needed to get married and the Lord came through, my spouse showed up and we settled down in a nice part of the city. This has always been our definition of faith and the miracle of God.

Sunday, October 29, 2023


I was invited to teach at a church recently and the topic was around identity. As I prepared for the message I began to see the concept of identity differently. Let me share it with you. 

I saw that Identity is linked to birth and that man becomes an exact image of what gave birth to him. A thing is identified by what gives birth to it. Just as the scripture says a tree is recognized by its fruit. So, the concept of identity is linked to the phenomenon of birth. In the beginning, man fell and the order of men became that of the first Adam that fell. The man began to struggle because there was already a disconnection from what powered man’s life earlier. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023


This week's dose is dedicated to Nigerians as we celebrated another year of independence. 

I know there was so much expectation in the 2023 general elections. Hope was dashed as far as many were concerned, particularly the youths.  Many picked on the church and her leaders who decided not to meddle into who to vote for and not to vote for during the elections. Infact, I saw how some people threatened to leave the church if some of our leaders do not endorse a particular candidate. 

However, the church has no direct business in politics  of the country (as this is not the purpose of the local assembly) but in nation building. This is important to note as a believer committed to a local assembly. 

Sunday, September 24, 2023


I was reading the book of Joshua and I was only seeing the person of Christ and what He has done for us. Moses was a man who had done great stuff for the people of Israel. He had come to face everything to ensure the Israelites made it to the promised land. He had an opportunity to throw everything away and save himself but he fought for the same people making sure they were not blotted out of God’s book. 

He was the man who was the voice of God. The weight of the works Moses did was eternal in the scheme of things. 

The same set of people Moses fought for would also make his bid to enter the promised land, not a reality.

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Narrow is the Gate

I grew up to the gospel of doing so much just to ensure one doesn’t miss heaven. God was described to us as a taskmaster who is more interested in keeping the rules than the wellbeing of the labourers. It all began to look like a very tough endeavour and we were always extra careful to ask for forgiveness every day before we slept to be sure if anything happened, we made it to God. 

This line of thought was frequently fueled by the scripture that says narrow is the way to heaven

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” Matt 7:13-14

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Wilderness of Engedi


David had been used of God to help Israel defeat Goliath and the Philistines. That experience was an image of what was going to happen much later; a transfer of authority to the man David. Eventually, David became the anointed one of God to lead God’s people after Saul was rejected for his disobedience. Saul became vexed and would do anything to have David executed. The fact that David’s victory was being talked about made him more furious.


David had to flee for his life to a place where he was surrounded by ordinary men who had no clear and fantastic family history.


And everyone who was in distress, everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him. So he became captain over them. And there were about four hundred men with him. 1Sam 22:2


Sunday, July 23, 2023


Last week I shared how God will always show up for His own regardless of how messy the situation may look. If you missed that you can read it here.

So, one of my very good readers asked me a question from that message wanting to know what we should do while waiting for God to show up. And also if there is a way we can know when He will show up.