Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Practicability of Faith!

The perception of faith has been limited to the uttermost desires and request of men. The Lord can do just everything because He created everything- no questioning of that. But, it is quite important as believers you understand the simple truth of the gospel. Abraham bagged the honor of the father of faith in the old covenant. The reason for this isn't because he got victory through answers to his prayers as regards having the child promised him. He sealed this honor of "the father of faith" by that act of giving away the one and only child that we can tag "source of joy"...He received the confirmaton and reaffirmation of God's promise right there where he was to give away Isaac, this made God swear by Himself (Gen22v16-18), what an honour. Let's go further.

Faith is a powerful tool the new covenant offers to make sons stay in victory. It is very interesting when you know this can be and is the solution to every problem. I ones heard someone say "If it doesn't work, it is not faith". The question that seems to arise in my heart from that ascertion is "what does it mean to work?" Is it when things turn out just the way you want?.

Jesus is the symbol of faith. Abrahamic manifestation was a shadow of what is to come, he gave us a picture of what the faith will actually turn to be. Jesus is the "faith manifest". Jesus had a desire but there is a written word. "Let this cup pass over me"- His desire, but He understood there is a written word "...But nevertheless, not my will but your will ".

Faith is not semantics, it is spiritual. It is seeing the unseen. It transcends the desires of this world. "Without faith, no man can please God".... How do you think that is only about victory as a result of receiving answer to your sincere request? When God is pleased, it is not what He gives, it is you giving/doing what makes Him stand on the throne. Answers to prayers is prerogative of God, you do nothing to earn it. Rain falls on both the believer and unbeliever; mind you He loves sinners dearly. Faith is not just a tool for for actualization of desires, it is a potent key to secure the heart of the father.

Your faith only works when despite all of the troubles life throws at you, you can see joy beam in your spirit. No end to tribulations while we are here on earth(John16:33), this is why men seek different approach to get relief. Sometimes you pray, at some times you fast alongside and some other time you are told to praise. Only one thing makes all work- Faith. Faith is not a solution, it is the solution.

All the men of faith the scripture pointed out wasn't as a result of victory they had in prayers answered but strength displayed when it seemed hope was lost. Have you prayed for the sick but healing didn't take place?, or you lost a loved one after believing God for survival? or you have lost what seems irrecoverable? Does this mean your faith has not worked?

Jainism, Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and many other religions of the world can proffer "seemed solution" to all of those through whatever strange means. This is where the difference is; religions don't have answers to the chief of all uncertainties that man fear the most-Death. Glory! Our symbol of faith went to the place of death and came out in victory. Faith doesn't just assure you of now, it gives you a confidence of "after-now".

What threatens your faith?
"Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God".

As you go this week know that your resolve to stay strong in the face of tribulations knowing fully well you have overcome is your faith in practice.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye.

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