Sunday, November 22, 2015

in Your Head.

The environment we find ourselves has a lot to do in our output, reaction and perception of life. Depression is a product of this. Many times I see people depressed and the truth is nothing existing is the cause of the depression. Are you depressed?

Worry, anxiety are all product of the head in response to what the environment gives out. Most of the time a long existing way of life that has almost become generally acceptable. I see many address the way they feel to God accusing the devil or some strange spirit who are disturbing their peace. You get so disappointed because it seems God isn’t even listening to all of your complaints. Perhaps what you regard to as a problem doesn’t even exist.

The devil is not omnipresent. So limited in operation. All the devil does is roam the street and seek places to abode. It can only be in a place at a time. In fact, most of the time, that devil hasn’t had time for you in the last three months. But, I am sure you hold the devil responsible for that delay, pain and anguish. The problem isn’t the devil, it is in your head. Man is a tripartite being with a Spirit, Soul and Body. Your head connects with your mind which exist in the soul. What is been processed in the mind is what enters the head. Your Spirit receives from His Spirit but your mind will need to go through a process of training to be able to listen to the spirit and not what goes on in the head which is a product of sight.

Job is a man who stood out in the Old Covenant. God described him to be an upright man. In the business of roaming, the devil met with God to get the approval to touch Job. The innocent man lost everything. He mourned. His friends came around him to listen to him and also to mourn with him but it turned out to be a meeting of two group of persons in same place but not seeing in same direction. His friends condemned him because he claimed to be righteous. They made him understand his problem must have been a result of one terrible sin he had committed but refuse to ask for God’s forgiveness. They were folks talking from the head; what comes to the mind naturally from what is obtainable in the immediate environment. But for Job, he was sure of what he stood for despite what it looks like. His friends saw from the head and compounded the problem, but Job saw from the Spirit. His friends ended up kneeling before him to be blessed.

How do you feel now? Most likely answer in your head is the presence of a devil, your past, or incapacitation. All these is what forms a problem you see in your head. All of those still ends up stealing your joy. I discovered a larger percent of what constitutes problem to man only exist in the head. They are self-constructed; a product of your belief.

You have tried a thing almost three times and no result coming forth (It took Jesus three days before attending to Lazarus His friend). You are looking up to God for the fruit of the womb and all your friends are already carrying theirs (He saves the best to the last). You have tried all doctors and your health seems failing despite all your effort (the woman with the issue of blood had same story. Only turned out a glory). You think you don’t have what’s enough to sustain you and your family (the widow of Zarephath was prepared to die after eating the last meal). All of these could become problems in your head that gets you depressed and you go from one place to the other looking for deliverance. Perhaps that would have been good if God sees a problem.

While Jesus is working to show forth His glory through you, society have made you believe in your head it is a problem. Inside of your head you predict troubles while nothing actually exist. When you see through your head, you might not reach God’s target for you.    

As you go this week. Discard that message emanating from your head. Seek deep into your spirit and in this you will enjoy maximum peace and rest.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye