Sunday, June 19, 2016

Permissive Will?

“It could be God’s permissive will or God’s perfect will”… I have heard this expression so many a times at different places and have just always wondered how true that can be. I had a discussion along making a choice with a friend who then mentioned this again and I immediately retorted because this has been strange to the teaching of the scriptures have known. Is there really anything like God’s permissive will in the scriptures?

On a very simple note, two things are been contrasted here, perfect and permissive. Perfect signifies exactly the way the Supreme wants it while permissive implies it’s not His desire but anyway He allows it. Indirectly, this permissive will of God is not His will, He just permits it. Now, I need to make you understand something first; right from the old covenant, there is nothing like partial obedience, if a man fails to obey 1% of the law he is guilty of all. It is either perfect or not perfect, nothing like almost perfect. There is no mid-point to His will. Where on earth does this mid-point concept to God’s will termed “permissive” emanate from?

Most of those who teach this apologetics use the Israelites as a reference point and easy to come to mind is the case of Saul. They claim Saul wasn’t the perfect will of God but the permissive will of God because the people requested for a king. Let’s take a closer look into that:

First, you need to understand that what God permits is His will. It contradicts His character as a Jealous God to dance at what He never intended for His people. This explains why He punishes Israel with a foreign nation when they disobey Him and on many occasion the same nation that was used as whip on the Israelites pay back dearly for it. He doesn’t joke with His will.

Now, to Saul, what God wasn’t pleased with was the decision for a king out of His jealous character because He symbolically represented their king not the choice of Saul as the king eventually. He single handedly sought out for Saul.

“About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin. You are to anoint him as the leader of my people. He will save them from the Philistines, for I have looked down on them in mercy and have heard their cry”(1Sam 9vs16)

Saul was chosen innocently for the next assignment to ensure the Israelites were kept safe. He was anointed which separates him from an ordinary Israelite. This gave him access to the spiritual, Saul was not a mistake. God was fully involved.

You may think Saul failed because he isn’t God’s perfect will as it is termed. You missed out on something, God was already planning to make him and his descendants king forever in Israel (1Sam 13vs13). Saul only had obedience issues, this was what David possessed greatly and he was given the honor Saul would have obtained for his dynasty.

God isn’t man who take records of wrong. If God hadn’t had mercy on the people to have requested for a king, then after Saul He could have returned them to the system of government where the judges operated.

If you say there is something as God’s permissive will in that regard, how would you explain the marriage in Cana of Galilee? Jesus categorically said it wasn’t His time -Sure it wasn’t- but eventually He did change water to wine!

There is nothing as God’s permissive will. You are either in or out. In fact when you tag an incident His perfect will, you commit tautology because His will is perfect.
What God permits is His will. The other side to it is self-will. They are on a two divide, no mid-point to it.  You are only indicting God to have permitted you to act outside Him when you align with the permissive theory.

“It’s not what He wants but I wanted it and He gave me anyway!”… You have reduced the Spirit to a joke, who dictates to Him? That’s spiritual mockery. How on earth does that even hold in this new covenant where you have the Holy Spirit to guide you?

As you go this week, would you please work more on hearing from Him and ignore that idea of a permissive will? You don’t need anything else but His will.

Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

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