Monday, August 15, 2016

The New Sabbath

I was on a journey on a Sunday morning after a very hectic weekend and, on my way home I began to meditate within myself on if I was going to make it to the church that morning. I was very tired, dozing at any slight opportunity to relax. This led to a question come up in my heart.

“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy” Exo 20vs8.

Without going through the Greek dictionary, the book makes it clear what the Sabbath day means; it is the day set apart for rest. The Israelites were told to ensure no one works on this day but to dedicate it to the Lord. The Sabbath was given birth to as a result of the six days work God had embarked on that brought about the creation of earth and man. Sabbath wasn’t just about the people, it meant to God fulfilment and completion of an intent. 

Two things then are important to find out here; when is the Sabbath and how does one keep the Sabbath holy?

The holiness the scripture is referring to here isn’t just about cleanliness, it was about dedication and separation. Sabbath represented the completion of God’s work and the people’s recognition of this and respect for it. So the only way to prove their dedication to and respect for the work of God was to stay out of any other thing but for them to dedicate all to God. It shows total reliance. “Even if I don’t work on this day God has got my business”- that was what it meant. The holiness is all about separating oneself, body, soul and spirit all to acknowledge He is God.

When is the Sabbath day? This was in the Old Covenant the seventh day of the week. It was the day that signifies God resting from the work of creation. Their mind couldn’t carry the totality of God in their mind. It was too weak to hold such. It was only the priest, prophet and king who could go all through the week having God at the fore of their heart. The people couldn’t do as well so much, this made the sacrificial system the order.

There is now a new creation story. Jesus was sent as the builder, in three days as against the model of the first creation everything was done and perfected. The creation of a new man took place and this happened on the cross. Now, there is a new Sabbath. There is no rest without Sabbath, Jesus entered into His rest after this mission of creation was completed.

"So there is a full complete rest still waiting for the people of God. Christ has already entered there. He is resting from his work, just as God did after creation" Heb4v9-10 (The Living Bible)

Remember I said earlier that “Sabbath represents the completion of God’s work and the people’s recognition of it”. The difference now is the Sabbath is no longer about a day. It is now a daily affair. Man can go about his every day business and still carry God in his mind because there is Holy Spirit in the heart of the new man who does the carrying beyond the normal human mind. The new creation story overrules the first, this is why you need to desist from that argument of which day is actually the Sabbath day?


Sabbath is kept holy by your dedication to the finished work on the cross. When like-minds come together, they could be called believers or Christians who now keep Sabbath (work of the cross) holy i.e. salvation through Jesus in the fore of their heart.


The need for meeting to fellowship together is to deepen the commitment to the remembrance of the Sabbath (The sacrifice of Christ). As like-minds pleases, whether a Thursday or Friday on meeting, the important part is to keep it holy. It is not about the day, but the commitment of your totality.


Keeping the Sabbath is having a constant reflection on the Lordship of Christ over your life (which your being a part of a church is to help you with); keeping it holy is submitting to the essence of His death. The argument of the day to meet is futile, your concern should be why do we gather, is it about the Sabbath? (The finished works of Christ).


Friend the essence of the Sabbath day is to launch you into rest. You may have been going to church and not have had a foretaste of this rest because you have not understood the magnitude and implication of the Sabbath day beyond a regular end of the week gathering.

 "Come unto me,all ye that labour and are heavy laden,and I will give you rest" Matt11v28

As you go, beyond your church, get more personal with Him. Enjoy your week. His grace is extravagant!

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye