Sunday, September 4, 2016


The book of Isaiah is one that is relevant to understanding the new covenant and power in the gospel of Jesus. The kingdom of God on earth is described in exquisite details as a time when man will lay down their swords and, in peace, sing praises to God their king.

From this book of Isaiah is a prophecy that described the past, present, and the possible future (which we are in now). Isn’t that strange? It is essential you know this as a believer this time as in it is the full understanding of your right.

 “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and gross darkness the people; but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee” Isaiah 60v2

 There are three stages in the earth laid bare here, which are the darkness, gross darkness and the Light. These three represents an era. The first is a past event while the other two is present. Every man on earth is in either one of the last two phases. After this series, you will come to a perfect understanding of where you fall.


If you can take a quick recall, you would remember God Himself created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1vs1. The earth was created perfect and there was great joy. All the angels were also in participation when this happened. They knew about it. This is established in the book of Job where it is written:

 “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Declare, if you have understanding. Who has laid the measures thereof, if you know? Or who has stretched the line upon it?...when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job 38vs4-7.

 The stars were angels also used interchangeably as the sons of God. There was great joy and singing when the earth was created. It signified it was in a perfect condition.

After creation I presume its God nature to rest. There was a successful outing, God rested and since He has his hosts of angels who were always at work, He had no worries. That ended Genesis 1vs1. His nature is trust, He gives his objects freewill. The angels were taking a routine of the earth in order to keep it in order. But, there was one who seems to be conversant with overseeing the events of the earth more- Lucifer.

God originally created three arch angels; Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel. Each ruled one-third of hundreds of millions of angels (Rev 5:11). Lucifer was a brilliant being, he was also referred to as the son of the morning, an angel of light, so also are his ministers (II Cor 11vs13-15). The word Lucifer means “the light bringer”. He was in charge of the light, it got to a time while he was on a tour on the earth and he felt so full of himself that he thought to his heart, he could also be like God, as long as he was the light bringer. He didn’t know it was by the word of the Fathers mouth and His presence that a bearer of light emerges.

This is why the book of Isaiah records that he said to himself “I will ascend to heaven and rule the angels, I will take the highest throne. I will preside on the Mount of Assembly far away in the north” 14vs13. He was on earth that was why he was thinking of ascending, looking at how beautiful he achieved on his ambassadorial mission on the earth and the host of angels at his command. Since, the administration of earth was under his purview, he became hungry for rulership of the heaven likewise.

The Almighty got notice of the thoughts of his heart and debased him. He never knew it was the presence of the King that kept him light. So, as soon as he was deprived of his rights, there was nowhere else to send him but the earth, along with his ministers. Rev12vs9. Immediately, the angel of light became “the darkness”. This is why the prophecy of Isaiah referenced the people of the world wailing after a period

“Can this be the one who destroyed the world and made it in a shambles…?”

This was how darkness covered the earth. And the earth was without form and void. No light to give it form. This led to Gen1vs2. Imagine the Lucifer with all the angels at his command? The solution to this was light and that’s quite obvious, but Light could not reside on earth as a result of the dislocation that had happened to the earth. Remember that Lucifer wasn’t the Light he was only a bearer. Now, it was time for the Light Himself to come forth. This manifested in the Word. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God”. Darkness had destroyed the original plan of the earth, it was void, the new composition of the earth can’t make the Light just resident. So, you see the Spirit of the Lord brooding.

So, how did God sustain Light, manage the darkness and where does Isaiah see gross darkness that covered the people if there was a solution? This is more serious because it didn’t cover the earth but the people.

Now, you know where the darkness came from. Let’s stop here and keep studying next week.

As you go this week, think on the significance of staying in God's presnece. Stay expectant!

Be innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to receive the complete dose next week. God bless you sir
