I was meditating on the text above which I had always heard to be used in discussions around marriage within the week. I just read an interesting exposition from a book on the concept of yoke which is related to this particular scripture, so I began to think through it on the real essence of the text above.
Paul wrote the book of second Corinthians at a time he had learnt the church at Corinth was struggling, and he sought to take action to preserve the unity of that local body of believers. He had written a first letter to them which looked so severe, however, much still needed to be done to ensure the church understands the entire essence of the new life in Christ.
He makes it clear that the letter is nothing new than what they had known before, but, needed to be reemphasized. This speaks to the fact that that they were yet to live in the height of the life of Christ Paul had introduced them to.
“For we are not writing any other things to you than what you read or understand. Now I trust you will understand, even more to the end” 2 Cor 1:13
He then began to address the issue of the man who had erred in the assembly to talking about the glory of the gospel of Christ and how the life in Christ is superior to any other. The message advanced to that of reconciliation to Christ which ended the fifth chapter of the book.
In advancement of his words to them on reconciling their ways to God, he then advised them as a father not to be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. Now, you must note that these were believers being addressed, so it isn’t just a message of trying to get them to believing in Christ; it was about the believers living in the full knowledge of who they are now in Christ; living worthy of the gospel.
This line of discussion is too serious to be just about marriage. Paul would have come to address the single believers in the church if it was about getting into marriage. He had even addressed issues of marriage between a believer and unbeliever in his first letter (1 Cor7:10-16). Paul was speaking to a body of believers about living the character of God (holiness) through the gift of righteousness they now have through Christ: A public representation of God’s true nature to the world.
“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” 2 Cor 5:21
A yoke is a wooden bar put across the necks of two animals of same comparable stature to hold them together for the purpose of plowing together. A yoke doesn’t allow you to do what you like. It compels you to walk in the same step as the other fellow with whom you are yoked. This means when you are yoked with an unbeliever, you take the same step and plow together. In essence, there is a common ground. (Culled from “Becoming Like Jesus- Gbile Akanni)
Now, Paul saying “do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers” is not directly speaking about “unbelievers” as just a people but the way of life that is common to such group of persons. He began to represent the concept “Unbelievers” further with different words as lawlessness, Belial, and idols to enrich our understanding that this is about the “acts” of the people.
In clear terms, what he is saying is "you are now in Christ, you are not equal to an unbeliever, and plowing together (still acting the same way) is an error of who you are now in Christ". “You are no longer to do things the way an unbeliever would.”
The beautiful part of this is that, we are not even to be yoked with any man; not even a believer! Jesus Himself invites every one of us to be yoked with Him.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and My burden is light. Matt 11:29-30
Being unequally yoked together is more than not getting married to an unbeliever; it is not getting married to the fruits of unbelief having tasted the righteousness of God. It is coming to a state where all that matters to you is doing all you have to do the way Jesus would want it done.
As a believer, can anyone easily spot the difference between you and an unbeliever? This is not a matter of the usual slant: “it is my heart that matters”; your act is the only pointer for humans to have an idea of what is in your heart, and God needs you to bring humans to the understanding of His nature through your living.
As you advance this week, is there anything you are planning to do that is in contrast with the life of Christ due to frustration and depression having waited so long? Be not unequally yoked!
“Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the FLESH and SPIRIT, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” 2 Cor 7:1
Be Innovated
Olufemi Ibitoye
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