Sunday, June 4, 2023



I was leading a prayer session in the course of the week and had to use a scripture my pastor preached on the previous Sunday. As I kept on reading the scripture to lead the people in prayers, I began to see what I hadn’t seen in the way I saw it and I knew I had to share with you, my friend. You know we are on this journey of victory together. 

From that interaction, I saw what it meant that we acknowledge our faith. 


“That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus”. Phil 1:6 KJV



Communication is how we pass information across either verbal or non-verbal. It means there is something you have that you want to show forth to someone. And there is no communication if the receiver cannot acknowledge receipt. Imagine sending a message to someone on WhatsApp and it didn’t tick that the person had read your message. This means there is no acknowledgment of your message. 



This means acknowledgment in the context of communication is predicated on the visibility of the receiver and not what is just known by the sender. That you are sure you have food does not amount to being of use to the other person until the person acknowledges a message from you stating that you have food and by that, the person can be helped. 



So, to our conversation in that text, to acknowledge every good thing which is in you in Christ would mean that you are demonstrating the things that can only be found in Christ which converts to communication with the other persons around. Acknowledgment of the good works is not you knowing you have the life of Christ but you expressing this life to the point it is visible to others. They are the ones acknowledging that they have received a portion of Christ through you. To acknowledge is to receive a communication.



As Peter and John were about to enter the temple, they saw the man at the beautiful gate. They saw he had a need and what they had could cater to the man’s need. Immediately they reached out in work of miracle. The lame man started jumping and praised God. The people around were entirely surprised. What Peter and John did was to communicate their faith and the people in the temple acknowledged the good works that they did in and through Christ. The communication (expression) of their faith was effective because of the acknowledgment.  



You are acknowledging when people can see an expression of God through you and that is how communication of your faith is effectual. It could be as simple as responding with joy when provoked and the other person can see it is a good work and acknowledges it as a fruit of your faith.

Go this week healing the sick, raising the dead, working miracles, being kind, being patient, help the poor. When they acknowledge your good work, you would have communicated your faith effectively. 



“And I pray that as you SHARE YOUR FAITH with others it will grip their lives too, as they SEE the wealth of good THINGS IN YOU that come from Christ Jesus. TLB



Do you get it? Let me know. 


You can write me a message if you have any question(s) you’d want me to answer at


Be Innovated

Olufemi Ibitoye