Sunday, December 6, 2015

Quit the Request

I want to thank God for this vision started just some months back and it’s more than a year doing this for God. My vision is seeing Christ established in you. Uncovering every long standing misconception of the word towards innovating your mind to see the truth of the gospel practically manifesting in you.

Friend, there is something important the Lord wants from us this last month of the year 2015. I was meditating and it came to me that this is the needful, it might not be what you want but I can tell you authoritatively that it is what you need. If you are a regular reader, then you are already a member of IR. 

David said in the scriptures that he wouldn’t give to God what cost him nothing. This shows a sense of understanding and devotion. It isn’t about what he is giving but the purpose of the giving. Even though it isn’t convenient but I will give it to Him, this is what separates Him from every other man. He is God. No wonder David was described as a man after God’s heart.

The children of Israel were so afraid of how to conquer the giants in Jericho. Twelve men were chosen to go spy the land. Only two came with a positive news of Israel having victory over the land. All they could see were giants but Joshua and Caleb saw beyond the physical, they saw possibilities. Joshua eventually ended as the leader of the Israelite to acquire this land flowing with milk and honey. You should be amazed by the way they conquered the giants. You would have expected a fierce battle. God is just amazing.

“The ark was carried around the city once that day, after which everyone returned to the camp again and spent the night there. At dawn the next morning they went around again, and returned again to the camp. They followed this pattern for six days. At dawn of the seventh day they started out again, but this time they went around the city not once, but seven times. The seventh time, as the priests blew a long, loud trumpet blast, Joshua yelled to the people. “Shout! The Lord has given us the city” Joshua 6v14-16

The Lord gave them victory over the giants through a very simple but questionable means. One would have thought they should have engaged in a physical battle and Israel will defeat them or the Lord sending angels to just destroy the giants but all He demanded was a form of praises. What strikes the most is the last word of Joshua on the seventh day of shouting round the wall of Jericho- “The Lord has given us the city”

You have always made your requests known to God since the beginning of the year. In fact most of the time you just felt if you are really on His first list of request assessment. But, you are just so determined never to give up, and you have decided to intensify more in this last hour; “2015 will not pass me by”. You desire that land flowing with milk and honey.

I must tell you honestly, it is no longer the time to submit request. Quit the request! His mode of assessing request becomes faster when He receives a signal you are already talking about what He is yet to do showing His capacity to do it. He gets angry and jettison all other pending request and put yours on an express list. This, Jesus understood so well that He wouldn’t make any request during His earthly ministry without first thanking Him, because He knows the Father will always acknowledge a show of His name. 

Do you know how costly it is to thank God in the midst of your needs? The year is ending and you look at the remaining days and it seems so unrealistic for that long awaited miracle. Requesting is cheap, switch to what cost you real good. Imagine a hungry man, thanking a friend who is in charge of food but seems to refuse to give? That’s quite costly. 

This is what the Lord wants from us this month, enter into this as a member of Innovation; all through the remaining days of this December all your prayer points should be thanks and nothing more. No form of request, just thanksgiving. Morning, day and night thanks. All through the remaining days of the year, just thanksgiving. I can tell you, you will be tempted to make request. Quit the request, just thank Him for He has done it. He saves the best to the last and the best comes from thanks. 

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus” 1Thes5v18

I mean it! You are going to see what this will birth as we launch into the new month. Quit the request.

Be Innovated.
Olufemi Ibitoye 